Monday, February 23, 2009

SMS Phobia

SMS will kill us like a cancer, i have seen several types of SMS in single day, i just list below

  • *Friendship,
  • *Advertisement,
  • *Fun,
  • *Job Offers,
  • *Quotes,
  • *Health tips,
  • *And one most precious one.

I gave some examples


"Two of my friends were arguing as Who is dear one to me.
I was smiling silently.. Thinking of you."


"Download free Actress sexy wallpaper,and send sms ACTSWALL to 575758,and conditions apply *.
*- Only Rs.10 per SMS."

Note-This sms i have recivied from Mobile Operator.

", Forward this SMS to 15 people and get Rs.75 will be credited to account.
Its true Just try....!. "


" Sketch your future
but do it pencil "

-by Adolf Hitler

Most precious one is

"Hi my dear friend, i have very minimum balance so please call me. "

These types of sms i have recieved routine.

Please Understand the real meaning for SMS-Short Message Service, And Reduce SMS Traffic and get free sms tariff.
Only the Network Operators only Suck our money avoid these type of things and spend your money for good one.

Jai Hind.

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